The military-industrial complex spends trillions of dollars developing sophisticated and powerful weapons to kill people.
Every day the news bombards us with massacres, invasions, bomb explosions, and terrorist attacks instead of conversations between people to reach agreements.
The Antidotes Against War exhibit pokes fun at the powerful instruments of war that the media has always glorified as great technological advances. Antidotes against this disease must be created.
Apocalyptic visions. Visions of many wars everywhere. Visions of entire towns being massacred by bombs and missiles. Visions of powerful bankers and dictators taking over the world to eat it. All this is accompanied by a feeling that you are going crazy because nobody seems to care.
(recommended dose)
Mild case: Take a deep breath and absorb many images that poke fun at the might of the fearsome bombers.
Moderate case: Walking, celebrating life while stepping on as many bombers as possible.
Severe case: Hang one of these paintings in the privacy of your home so you can see it more often. This will remove any fear or respect towards the terrifying bombs and encourage you to start doing something to eliminate them.
Santiago, 2017